East of Luton

Frequently Asked Questions

If any questions you have are not answered here, please get in touch using the details on our contact page.

1.What is ‘East of Luton’?

The site known as ‘East of Luton’ is an area of land around Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green that was allocated for development in the Horth Hertfordshire Local Plan.

Many elements of the scheme are set out in the Local Plan itself, including the need to deliver approximately 2,100 high-quality new homes, of which 40% will be affordable, as well as three new schools, a net gain in biodiversity, new parkland, sports facilities, and a network of public green spaces.

Bloor Homes and The Crown Estate have led the preparation of a Strategic Masterplan for this site.

2. What is a Strategic Masterplan?

Strategic Masterplan are documents use to establish an outline framework for development.  It helps Local Planning Authorities, communities and developers come together at an early stage of planning a development to discuss and agree this framework.  Now that the Strategic Masterplan has been finalised and approved, more detailed plans and applications are being developed.

3. How can we give feedback on the Strategic Masterplan

The Strategic Masterplan has now been finalised and approved by North Herts District Council. All feedback comments received from the public consultation in February 2024 were considered and several changes were made to the plans to help address concerns. Further engagement will also take place at the next stage of the development, when the details are refined to update the existing planning applications.